I love the idea of this module, it fits my needs very well. I'm just having a small problem, I'm thinking both of the issues mentioned in the title are related to the same underlying cause.
I'm on Joomla 3.3, php5.4, latest extravote, latest top extravote.
The top extravote module appears where I intended and displays articles. However, the rating for the displayed articles is empty. It says 0 votes and no stars are filled in. The extravote stars on the corresponding articles are there and votes have been cast.
I'm getting an error message, 1 for each article it displays that reads as follows:
Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home1/rsmall07/public_html/testbrevardratings/modules/mod_top_extravote/helper.php on line 121
At the moment the full display looks as such:
Best Reviewed Doctors
Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home1/rsmall07/public_html/testbrevardratings/modules/mod_top_extravote/helper.php on line 121
Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home1/rsmall07/public_html/testbrevardratings/modules/mod_top_extravote/helper.php on line 121
Dr. Smith ( 1 Vote )
(empty stars)
Dr. Doe ( 1 Vote )
(empty stars)
I understand what the error means, and I assume the null value it is trying to use is being pulled from the database, but why is it null and how do I fix it?
Line 121 is:
$lists[$i]->sum = $row->sum;
I'm guessing $row is a row of data from what was returned by the db, and the sum index is null.
Thank you in advance and I look forward to using your module.